Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2018

What my BEST Theory of REALLY Everything (Best TOE) provides

What my BEST Theory of REALLY Everything (Best TOE) provides

by michael KLINNETER

The Grandestmaster says:

My BEST Theory of REALLY Everything (Best TOE) provides crucial information on the following important topics:

- The existence as a whole.
- The reality as a whole and its meaning.
- Why is not nothing?
- The meaning of life.
- The existence or non-existence of gods.
- The mystery of death: Is there a life after death?
- Why does consciousness exist?
- Why do laws of nature exist? Why is our world mathematical and predictable (to a certain degree)?
- Why both Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr are right in respect to the question if "God" plays dice.
- Why are some laws of nature that simple that you can understand them?
- Why does Occam's razor work?
- The fine tuning of the natural laws of our universe.
- The role of ethics in the reality and in the existence.
- Is your life free, by chance or determined?
And other.


Books and eBooks of Michael Klinneter

Mittwoch, 24. Januar 2018

The Ethics of Reality

The Ethics of Reality

by michael KLINNETER

The Grandestmaster says:

According to my BEST Theory of REALLY Everything (Best TOE), the actual system of the worlds, the totality of reality, the existence as a whole are ethically best possible.

In principle, it is true that
1. every wanting has a right to be realised (fulfilled).
2. every (equally strong or intensive) wanting is equally entitled to be realised (fulfilled).

You could say: Reality is based on the principles of GOODWILL and JUSTNESS (EQUITY, FAIRNESS) towards every wanting.

Or if you prefer a single word for goodwill and justness, then you could say:
Reality is based on the principle of RESPECT (or LOVE) for EVERY wanting.

Therefore: In an ethically best system of the worlds, no one is free to live (think, feel, act) against these principles for a long time! Because that would change the ethical number one position of the reality.

Therefore, learn to respect every wanting! Or it will be learned by you the hard way - sooner or later, but certainly.

Realise wanting as much as possible as fair as possible! - May the wanting be of you or of another being; may the wanting be of the present, of the future or of the past. (Of course, wanting of the past cannot be fulfilled in reality. But it can be regarded in respect to the principle of fairness.)

Wanting can be fulfilled in reality - but also in art, in play/game, in communication, in fantasy, in body impulses...
(Another name by me for "fulfilling in reality" is "fulfilling in the Universal" or "Universal Realisation". Another name by me for "fulfilling in art, play, game, communication, fantasy, body impulses..." is "Individual Realisation". Of course, philosophically, it all belongs to reality.)

Evil wanting may be fulfilled in the Individual but not in the Universal. The same with detrimental wanting, if it doesn't result in the best possibility of reality.

Donnerstag, 11. Januar 2018

What is greater and more fundamental than any God? - The Grandestmaster says: REALITY!

What is greater and more fundamental than any God? - Reality!

by michael KLINNETER

The Grandestmaster says:

Reality exists. That is certain.

If gods exist, is not certain. But if they exist, then they are consciousnesses and entities. Consciousnesses and entities that are real belong to reality!

Therefore the concept (Begriff) Reality is greater and more fundamental than the concept God.

A lot of people made the mistake to want to prove the existence of God at first and then to understand reality. But it is just the opposite (umgekehrt): At first you have to understand reality - and then you are able to answer the question of gods.

My BEST theory of REALLY everything (best TOE) provides such an amazing understanding of reality.

At first let us understand that gods - as part of the reality - CANNOT be the CREATORS of the WHOLE reality. Because causa sui - cause of himself (Ursache seiner selbst) - is logically impossible!

In the best case, Gods can be the creators of the REST of the reality (worlds-system). - (Rest of the reality is defined as reality without god.)

As I said, Gods cannot be the Creator of the whole reality. But Gods could be the VOLLENDER (3) of the whole reality. This means that it could be possible that the gods make the whole reality (= actual system of the worlds) best possible.


Books and eBooks of Michael Klinneter


(1) I take the English word concept for the German word Begriff.

(2) I use the German word umgekehrt because I don't know the English word.

(3) I use the German word VOLLENDER because I don't know the English word.

Last important update:
11.1.2018 14:50 Uhr MEZ

Donnerstag, 4. Januar 2018

The BEST theory of REALLY everything (Best TOE)

The BEST theory of REALLY everything (Best TOE)

by Michael Klinneter

The Grandestmaster says:

Three exact formulations of my BEST theory of REALLY everything (Best TOE):

1. The actual totality of reality is the ethically best of all logically possible totalities of reality.

2. The real existence (as a whole) is the ethically best of all logically possible existences (as a whole/as wholes).

3. We don't live in the best of all possible worlds - we live in the ethically best of all logically possible systems of the worlds (worlds-systems). (2)

Explanations and definitions

Ethical (ethically good and/or right) is
1. to fulfill a wanting, to realise something wanted,
2. to equally fulfill two (equally strong) wantings, to equally realise two (equally strong) wantings, to equally realise two things equally strongly wanted.

As umbrella term (Oberbegriff) for
something wanted, wished, desired, needed, willed, liked, loved, found good, regarded as good, spoken for (1) (3)
I take:
something wanted.

Anti-wanting is wanting too. - Let me explain the term "anti-wanting" with an example: hating liver = anti-wanting liver = WANTING (to eat) SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

Reality: includes all that is real: possibly things, matter, particles, fields, waves, spaces, times, present, past, future, universes, dimensions, spheres, planes, levels, realms, hereafter (beyond), events, experiences, feelings, thoughts, consciousnesses, gods...
Maybe all parts of reality can be regarded as events. Or can alternatively be called things.

System of the worlds (or worlds-system): is reality divided into worlds.

World: is a totality of events or things (or perhaps other parts of reality) connected by a way of access.

Existence: includes reality and all facts/truths.


Books and eBooks of Michael Klinneter


(1) Alternative formulation: 1. to realise a wanting - if the wanting doesn't want to damage another wanting intentionally (no realisation of an evil wanting),

The "if..." condition could be unnecessary. It could be the result of the worlds-system being the best (possible).

(2) You see: I am not Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

(3) I am looking for a word that includes all of those words (wanting, wish, desire, need, will, something liked, something loved, something found good, something regarded as good, something spoken for). I take "wanting". But I am not an English man, and it would be better to take another word? I mean the "speaking for something" in the broadest sense.

Oberbegriff: translation needed: umbrella term?

Last important update:
18.1.2018 9.41 Uhr MEZ